May 4, 2024

Real Teams

Real Teams

As the old saying goes, “There is no I in team.” That adage is often used as a reminder that working as a team requires a completely different mindset. Human nature being what it is, bringing a group of people together and assigning them a task or common goal can result in personality clashes, leadership struggles and stress.

In order to have a successful team, individuals need to be able to see, understand and appreciate the strengths of each team member, determine as a group how to use these to their best advantage, and then work together to reach their goal.

During the Real ColorsĀ®, Real Teams workshop, participants will:

  • Discover their personal strengths and those of their team members.
  • Understand the intrinsic value that different points of view bring to a team.

Learn to work effectively with all team members.

Learn how to blend a group of individuals into a team.

Learn how to effectively motivate individuals on a team.

Learn to coach and facilitate other team members’ growth.

Contact Me today to learn more on how I can help strengthen your team with Real Teams.